So... I haven't been using my blog for a long time, so I might as well, right? :) I'm writing this beforehand (like, on Tuesday) so I better write this before I realise that I have too much work to do to be hobnobbing here :X
So... Chapter 53. Amazing how time just goes and chapters fly out my head as if they are alive. anyway, i wrote this in January... with the idea and words being so fresh in my head. However, I edited and rearranged and tweaked the chapter for about another month or so before I was satisfied with it. Hope you are too :)
You know me. From the earlier stages of the story, I've been complaining that I suck at writing philosophical talks. The things my poor characters say make them so shallow :P Fortunately, (i think) this chapter turned out pretty well. Yes, I'm referring to the chat between Reno and Meia. :) On a side note, you DO know that the Banora place I was writing about was referring to the Banora right before Zack Fair fought Genesis for the last time?
this one!!
anyway, i thought that it'll be cool to have one final scene here before Zack plummets its existence into nothingness. Isn't it funny that no one ever discovered the place anymore after the events of FF7? (feels a plot bunny creeping behind my mind)
As I was saying, this chapter is jam-packed with information, but I hope you guys liked it :D Also, I hope that all of you are catching the storyline so far. It tends to be a little confusing especially if you don't have BC background. I do hope that most of you have Crisis Core background? Or FF7?
Now, review replies! (because I'm too lazy to reply everyone)
TWA: There you go, I hope this chapter is nostalgia explosion for ya, especially the earrings part. In my opinion, the gift scene tops the one in Chapter 13 now :P
Queen-of-Twilights: Thanks for reviewing once again :D
Takara: Oh dear, you're lost already? I suggest you... reread the story!!! Bwahaahah!! that really is my remedy. Unless I'm terribly mistaken, the story is going on a choo choo train direction. I am definitely not wasting my chapters with fillers, that's for sure. :P
rukoyokunefan: hello! thank you for your review! it is a pleasure knowing that you enjoy the story! i am enjoying the writing process too :) yeah, it'll be cool if Meia is a canon character too, but that would mean that I'm not the original creator :P when I wrote Meia I was hoping for a more normal character with humanly flaws, so it was fun trying to balance her awesomeness and mundaneness... so you know... she won't be too awesome and not too boring :P
Tifa: ZOMG you're back!! you mean girl, you made me wonder if you've been recaptured by Hojo. i miss hearing from you!
Dontgotaclue: thank you for your enthusiasm! I'll keep working hard and ensure that you'll not be (too) disappointed :P
also, many thanks to Lady-Bloody-Rose and Dontgotaclue88 for faving/alerting :D
in addition, on a completely unrelated note, i'm very happy to see that there are people who are still reading stories that have been long-published, like 'moves like jagger' and 'dress off!' thank you for your massive support!
Thank you for the many reviews! It really made my day (esp from Tifa and Dontgotaclue since they are... rare visitors :D) It is a huge joy to read your reviews, I'm not lying!