Sunday, October 6, 2013

Days of Exile: Chapter 37

Hmm, I thought it was Chapter 27 that I'm uploading. How quickly time flies! Wasn't it just a while back that I first released Days of Exile? I had this impression that I only started Days of Exile in July 2013. Nooo, Days of Exile has been ongoing for more than a year already! Anyway, here are my author's notes for this chapter. 


Did you like the new "Previously on Days of Exile.." section? I snitched it from Marvel. I have been reading "The New Avengers" and "Superior Superman". The first page is dedicated to explaining the events happening in the previous issue, or the events happening between the previous issue to 'now'. 

Sidenote: It's just darn annoying that they can't maintain some sort of coherence. For people who are just reading "The New Avengers", how would I know what the heck happened in the other titles (they are all connected, the superheroes of Marvel)? 

It was because many events happen at the same time, that Marvel had to do a recap page for readers. And I thought it'll be cool if I could that for my readers. One, they do not need to reread the previous chapter to recall the details. Secondly... if they did not understand the previous chapter, the recap will do a better job at explaining. That's how I solve my problems whenever I read an issue in The New Avengers that I wasn't too sure about.

So, what do you think? Do you like it or not? Seriously, I don't hear much from you people anymore. I don't even know if I'm doing this right. Moving on...


So I did a research on pronouncing Heidegger’s name. I’ve always pronounced it as “Hedge-dagger”, but goodness that’s simply adding too many phonetic sounds into the letter. So finally, I got it. It’s “Hai-dagger”, or is it “Hai-der-ger”? At least it’s not “hedge” anymore, is it?
We've reached the thirteenth of January. Brace yourselves, people. This day is one of the most eventful days in the FF7 timeline. Dozen of things will happen on this day, in both the canon and my story. The day might span across five to six chapters, depending on how good I am at cutting down content. I’ll take note to only put in canon content that is necessary for the story, but then again most of you readers have not had the pleasure of experiencing FF7, so why the fuss?

No one will know this, but the script simply has too many ellipses for my liking. I know we were supposed to pause and make Cloud look like he was trailing off and thinking with emotion. But it just made Cloud darn annoying, as if he wasn’t already. I’m still not happy that he made Zack Fair die. So I made modifications to the script... by removing the "..." as much as I could. It's now easier to read, at least for me.
Alright, that's all for this week, and a long one too! I hope everyone has been fine. Don't let life eat you up... because it is totally consuming me now *sigh*
Read and review!