in regards to my title, i've noticed that nowadays it has become necessary, even habitual that whenever i'm notified that someone alerted or faved my story. as long as the option to PM the user is available, i'll send them a message thanking them for their support.
why did i ended up being so... desperate to get reviews? hurhur, i admit. the initial aim of messaging everyone to thank them for their alerts and faves is to hope that they might realise 'if the author bothers to thank each one of us, surely i can write one review in return?'
heheh. sorry for such a selfish motivation behind this seemingly humble act. i guess if you must know, my messaging definitely DID NOT work. because my reviews did not increase exponentially or whatever :P soon enough, i couldn't bear to stop messaging and now, it's more of a habit than a selfish act.
of course, i DO want to thank you guys for even bothering to check the 'subscribe' or 'favourite' box. for all i know, you could very well just be alerting to see where i go with this story and dump me once u get fed up with it!!! sometimes i tell myself that if people bothers to fave and alert this, it is just as good as a review!
still... sometimes it would be nice just to know what you guys think. i don't believe that my story is perfect, and there will be times where you read and go 'oh, there's a loophole she missed out' or 'ahh... this could've been better written like this.'
that said, i am a pretty arrogant for an amateur writer! so i should say this: i AM affected by your criticisms and advice, but the wiser side of me chides myself to look past the negativity and work on improving. im not 100% immune to constructive reviews [so why am i so blunt in others'? :(] and everytime i see someone who points out my flaws, i'll tell myself not to be immature and go depressed about it. hurhur.
(okay why did i deviate to this topic?) ANYWAY. i just want to say that i PM everyone of you to thank you for your support... and i am genuinely thankful. there are many ways to make me smile, but seeing the amount of emails notifying me on who faved/alerted/reviewed when i check my mail at night definitely made me more eager to go home early, made me happier when i sleep.
so.... yeah. that's my random thought of the day.
P.S: it makes me smile when i see the visitor counter of this blog increase too :)
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