Friday, September 14, 2012


Here are some of what's been happening to me :)

1. Eragon
I've finally stopped detouring Eragon and started to read it. For real. And I'm utterly blown away by his language and description. I'm already on its second book, Eldest, so you know that this time I'm not going to stop until I reach the end. Hope to finish Eldest by this week. Yes, my work has been compromised because of that. I read at work :P

2. Writing "Days of Exile"
With what limited time I have, during the weekdays I try to write at two times: Once in the early morning before I dash out for work. The other when I'm home from work, assuming I'm not dead tired or I have remaining work to do. By this system I can squeeze in around 500-700 words a day. You must understand that unlike "I Want To Be A Turk!", the sequel has little dialogue from FF7 so most content is original :P Still, I'm happy that I'm ahead of the uploading schedule. Being a few chapters ahead is a great buffer for me on weeks that I don't have time to even proofread :(

And that's all for now, I'm rushing off to work. See you :D

1 comment:

  1. "Being a few chapters ahead is a great buffer for me on weeks that I don't have time to even proofread :("

    That's why I am here.
