Sunday, July 14, 2013

Days of Exile: Chapter 31

Hoo boy, another short chapter (by my standards)
I admit, I kinda like giving short chapters. For such a situation where I need to deliver chapters faster than I can write, giving short chapters was a morale booster for me to see that I can keep up with the update schedule. And for once, I can write knowing that my readers are going to read the words slowly and carefully because of the smaller chapters. Until I get back my bank of chapters, I believe this is what Days of Exile will become - shorter chapters, finally.
Now, to the story.
The scenes of Tifa falling in the Lifestream and that scene where Tifa went zonkers are from the game itself. I just did a little modifications here and there. Honestly, the game never explained what happened to Tifa in that blank of dark space. There was only sounds of guns and stuff. So, I took things into my own hands and created the context myself. If there’s anyone who knows what happened there, do share your insights!
And of course, the scene with the presence of Aerith in the Lifestream is completely made up, but it was heavily modified from a sentence in the FF7 novellas: The Maiden Who Travels the Planet. So the idea is not original. Aerith was responsible in helping Tifa while they were in the Lifestream.
I admit, I am facing some mental block at how Meia will ever get herself out of Shinra's capture. I mean, when I first thought of the idea, I just went like "Oh, Meia will be captured, but then she'll get out eventually through *cough* and *cough* and then she will *cough*". Guess I didn't really plan this one through and through because it's a bit of a pain to link up everything together. 
That's kinda the thing I have here. If you want, I could tell you all the general events that will happen. My skeleton is more than done. It's the muscles, the flesh, the veins and arteries, the organs and all that anatomy that is lacking in my story. Thus, the stalemate.
Still, thank you, everyone, for sticking by me despite all these nonsense. I am not going to lie. I dread the day that I will announce to you guys that I will update irregularly. That day isn't too far off. If you are wondering why, it's really because worklife takes out a lot of my time than I would have thought. I know, a lousy excuse. Isn't that the reason why I'm still persevering till today, when I could've thrown the towel and ended it at "I Want To Be A Turk"? 
I have this choice right now. I could end at the end of FF7 events and go "They lived happily ever after". But this is NOT the ending I want. Nowhere near. I WANT to see the story in its full glory. So that I can think back and go "Yeah, the journey really sucked in the middle, but I am glad that I stuck through it, irregular or not." So, I shall henceforth continue to remain responsible... even if I have to be irresponsible in my writing schedule... (The paradox is making my head hurt.)
All I ask for, is some divine inspiration so that I can meat up the skeleton. Perhaps I should take a month break again to China. That might do wonders for my writing.
But of course, it won't happen. Like I said in my chapter before, things may not happen the way we want. That's life, sometimes.


  1. Hmm, maybe if you write more flashback for each character, then you can buy more time in continuing the storyline?

    1. Yeah, that would be cool too! I'm kinda doing that here and there, but still... I need time to write it out *cries*
