Monday, September 3, 2012

Oldies are Goodies?

In this entry? I suppose... nah.

I was looking at my author profile (yeah, i know. i'm probably the only one who does that.) and I thought that my repertoire of stories looked impressive... until I saw the last two stories at the bottom of my list and I wonder: What happened?

Basically, I can't remember much of FF8 already so... *sheepish smile*

I mean, when I first started writing, I only knew Final Fantasy 8. So naturally, I began writing using that fandom. that turned out as a disaster (even though nice reviewers said it was good). bad characterisation, out-of-character, sloppy sentences... the version that is online was edited much later. I wish I had the old version to read and laugh at myself with!

Well, it is obvious that I no longer remember the details of Final Fantasy 8. Plus, it will take me another month or two to research on FF8 again so... maybe I won't be writing it, not until I'm done contributing all I can to the FF7 fandom. After "Days of Exile", there are at least two more fics that I want to write and upload before I look into any other fics. So it'll be a LONG time before I even think of writing these.

So anyway, I thought I'll explain a bit more on those two fics, just for fun.

Romeo and Juliet in Balamb Garden - Used to be hideously dubbed as 'Romeo and Juliet (FF8 style!)' because I had no better name for it. It's after the gang defeated Ultimecia. Everyone was living happily except for Squall and Rinoa. For some reason they drifted apart. Meanwhile, Selphie bugs Squall let her organise a Shakespearean play for the Balamb residents. During which, Rinoa's childhood friend, Firzen, appears. The story will continue in a frenzy of mad preparations, love triangles, and Squall realising how different he has been compared to in the past.

... On to the next story!

Be My Knight! - Alternate Universe. Princess Rinoa was given permission by her father to go anywhere she likes outside the Deling Castle... on the grounds that she must have a bodyguard (Guess who?). The story will continue in a love story of different social classes and all that jazz.

Sounds great? I'm not too sure if I can deliver it well!

So yes, I hope that some day, eventually, I can finish all the plot bunnies in my head!
But we all know these are just velleities.