Sunday, November 25, 2012

Days of Exile: Pronounciation

Just a quick note about pronounciation of names, since I realised that many of you could be pronouncing it wrong for all I know! I'll only be talking about my own original characters and the BC Turks. I believe you know how to pronounce most of the canon characters, no? Capitalised letters are the stress syllables.

Don't sue me for the terrible romanised phonetics! I'm doing the best I can :P

The exiled Turks
Alana: Uh-LAN-nuh (sidenote: Elena is Ee-LEE-nuh)
Cassie: KEH-see (rhymes with Bessie :P)
Haato: Ha-AH-toh
Jasper: JAZ-per
Katherine: KEH-ther-reen
Kido: KEE-doh
Legend: LEGEND (read as it is)
Leia: LAY-uh
Mason: MAY-son
Meia: MEE-uh
Rodzen Daisa: ROD-zen DAI-sah (for 'DAI-sah' there should be a slight distinction between sounds 'DAH' and 'EE' to make 'DAI')


Carmelle: KAH-mell
Elfe: EHLL-fay
Fuhito: Foo-HEE-toh

Glasko: GLASS-koh

Marshall: MAR-shull

Matilda Ederfeld: Muh-TILL-duh EH-duh-felld
Patricia: Peh-TRI-shuh
Reeve Tuesti: REEV Too-EHS-tee

Rekka (Cisssnei's shruiken): RECK-kah
Shears: SHEARS (read as it is)
Sunny: SUNNY (read as it is)
Tihan: TEE-ahn ('h' is silent)
Zirconiade: Zir-CON-nee-aid (yeah, like first aid)

That's all for now :) Were your pronounciations close enough?

Friday, November 16, 2012

Picking On Pronounciation: Bolognese

My life has been a lie!

Or so the meme would say. I've been pronouncing 'bolognese' wrong!!!! I've been pronouncing it as 'boll-o-neez', with a silent g.


It's boll-o-nay-zuh. Or something like that. (anyone care to clarify?)

So. It's time to consciously make an effort to change. I should also start this series just for fun :)

To non-Singaporean readers, here's the background info: Our country is pretty diverse in culture and languages, so English is not a native language for many of us until we start formal schooling. It is pretty hard to explain to native English speakers things that they find natural. So yeah, bear with me.

In other news, I'm kind of sweeping up my labels and titles so things might change here and there.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

On a totally unrelated post here.

This weekend has been most terrible. But that's also because I'm in a terribly bratty mood.

Honestly, this blog is not a personal one, so I never post about my own stuff. I don't intend to start doing so now too. This is a writing blog, it will remain so. But well, this weekend and my mood just conflicted each other. (at this point I spent a really long time trying to write my thoughts down but in the end I decided to leave everything vague).

Basically, I had a lot of work stress and then many activities lined up over the weekends. Because work had drained me out (almost) completely, in the end I have to reject two of the three activities, one of which was the wedding of a friend who, FYI, was a mutual friend of mine and one of my readers, Jefri.

It definitely didn't help that I found out that... that... there was an anime convention!! It was one of the largest events of the year... and I am unable to go. And then, it seemed that everywhere I go, I am unable to eat happily because food were sold out or something.

I. am. angsty. now.

Simply because nothing is going right and I wish that I can go to that anime convention. I really want to go!!!!!! There's nothing more that I want than to feed the inner otaku.

Yeah, at this kind of age I'm still behaving like a six year old. I should be ashamed of myself.

So if you find Meia bratty at any point in the further chapters you can probably conclude that it came from this day.

Days of Exile: Chapter 10

And after a long time, my blog is finally back with author's notes of my chapters!

This week has been hectic, hectic, hectic. So I apologise if there isn't much to be said and done. Just wanted to put in something that I intended to place at the end of the chapter but thought that it's not too important such that i HAD to publish it there:

I realized that some of you are –cough- the younger generation. So many of you did not have the privilege to play FF7. I urge you to watch the playthrough for FF7 and Crisis Core (in that order!). To me, it is still one of the most epic stories of that time, despite the large storyline (inclusive of BC, AC, Last Order and DoC), the story had pretty minimal plotholes, not too bad for a company who did not intend to create so many prequels and sequels.
Since many of you did not actually play FF7 which is the main bulk of what is happening in Days of Exile, I suppose I’ll need to spend a little more time to explain in the story. (Yes, you’re welcome!) But for obvious reasons, I can’t explain EVERYTHING. So if you’re still unsure about some parts (like why this person said that and this person did that), you can always PM me and I’ll be happy to explain… or point out the exact video in Youtube for your viewing pleasure.
A bit of a pity, because that means that not many will understand my references and foreshadowing, but it’s not a big issue, is it?
Alright, that's really basically it... Oh, and review replies!
Rachel: Yup, so glad that you noticed that!
Jef: I think you got your answer in this chapter, no? :)
Silver-x-Crimson: Welcome back!! :D
Alrighty, now the entry below has some further details about my plans, but I ain't gonna force you to read it no more so just remember that this little blog is running quietly in the big world wide web!
Until next time!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Headaches, headaches

I am having a massive headache right now.

Background info: I stopped playing FF7 when I was in Disc 3. Although storywise I'm almost done, I don't remember many things. I've finally finished watching the FF7 playthrough (just to be sure of my details again...) and thank goodness I did. Indeed, there were many many things that I didn't know existed. What exactly was I playing then, haha. A lot of things that I (definitely) didn't understand when I was 15 years old, made sense to me now.

So anyway I'm done with the playthrough and I realised that I'm missing a lot of things in my story. I've found out recently that some of you did not play FF7, some of you have NO CLUE what happened in the game. Although Crisis Core gives the best perspective, I believe that every FF7 fan MUST watch FF7 playthroughs!! You'll really understand Advent Children better. I always tell my friends the order of games to play to enjoy maximum enjoyment is:

1. Final Fantasy 7
2. Crisis Core
3. Advent Children.

Then, in whichever order you like, Last Order, Before Crisis and Dirge of Cerberus.

Ah, I digress.

I'll be back to the chapters that I've yet to publish, expanding them more so that people understand what the heck I am writing. More specifically, I'll be putting myself in the shoes of people who do not understand what are the events in FF7 and explain. However, I assure you that I won't be retelling the story. The story still centres Meia and other what-would-be minor characters in FF7. I'll also be back on talking about the exiled Turks. Try to. Ten POVs makes many chapters, after all.

Yup, the chapters are going to be LONGER. Much, much longer. I'm looking at 5000-6000 words. Unless I can break them up. Argh. Can you see my headache now? I hate rearranging events just so that they can fit in chapters nicely.

Honestly, I know that I don't have to explain these all to you. Someone once said that a good author doesn't need to explain his stories with author's notes and all. And I want to do that because I too, want to know if my readers can understand me without my need to explain. But I like talking (much obviously) and I enjoy talking to my readers. But yeah, I'll make a note to talk less about my story content, heheh.

In other news, I'm very very impressed with Scribbler's writings. Seriously, why doesn't she get the reviews she deserve? But I'll talk about her (properly) another day.