Sunday, November 25, 2012

Days of Exile: Pronounciation

Just a quick note about pronounciation of names, since I realised that many of you could be pronouncing it wrong for all I know! I'll only be talking about my own original characters and the BC Turks. I believe you know how to pronounce most of the canon characters, no? Capitalised letters are the stress syllables.

Don't sue me for the terrible romanised phonetics! I'm doing the best I can :P

The exiled Turks
Alana: Uh-LAN-nuh (sidenote: Elena is Ee-LEE-nuh)
Cassie: KEH-see (rhymes with Bessie :P)
Haato: Ha-AH-toh
Jasper: JAZ-per
Katherine: KEH-ther-reen
Kido: KEE-doh
Legend: LEGEND (read as it is)
Leia: LAY-uh
Mason: MAY-son
Meia: MEE-uh
Rodzen Daisa: ROD-zen DAI-sah (for 'DAI-sah' there should be a slight distinction between sounds 'DAH' and 'EE' to make 'DAI')


Carmelle: KAH-mell
Elfe: EHLL-fay
Fuhito: Foo-HEE-toh

Glasko: GLASS-koh

Marshall: MAR-shull

Matilda Ederfeld: Muh-TILL-duh EH-duh-felld
Patricia: Peh-TRI-shuh
Reeve Tuesti: REEV Too-EHS-tee

Rekka (Cisssnei's shruiken): RECK-kah
Shears: SHEARS (read as it is)
Sunny: SUNNY (read as it is)
Tihan: TEE-ahn ('h' is silent)
Zirconiade: Zir-CON-nee-aid (yeah, like first aid)

That's all for now :) Were your pronounciations close enough?

1 comment:

  1. Well you obviously already know my problem about Alana and Elena xD

    But I everything right except Meia was "MAY-uh", similar to Leia :I Probably thanks to the first chapter in I want to be a Turk xD

