Friday, February 22, 2019

Poem: Powerless

So I saw this in my mail:

Well, unfortunately, I'm out of the age range so I cannot participate. I thought that I could write my entry here instead.

So here goes. It's a poem and not a short story, so already, I'm disqualified but ah, who cares?

Hands traverse.
Heart has stopped
but Time moves forward still.

There we go. Hope it's not too confusing to understand.

Of course, I considered starting my story with "Tick tock tick tock", but that would be quiteeeee cliche, wouldn't it?

Maybe I should find more writing challenges online, not because I need to keep my blog going, haha! I think it would be good to start writing things apart from fanfiction. If I want to be serious about my writing, that is.

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