Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Random editing and reviewing thoughts

(This post was meant to be posted on 31st Oct 2012 but for some reason, it's not. So here it is!)

You know, I should make it a personal commitment to blog once a week, at least. That way, you people will know that there's always something to read by Sunday (IF there are people reading this!).

Anyway, I'm on a editing spree. I'm realised that I tend to write 'seem' and 'as if'. Examples as below:

It seemed that he wanted to talk as well.

He waved his arms, as if he was swatting flies.

It seems that I write A LOT of them. Yeah, look at that previous sentence and you'll know that I really, really write a lot of them. Not that it's a bad thing, but I tend to cringe when I repeat certain phrases too much, or use some words too often. It's always good to break the monotony with new expressions. So I've been reviewing my chapters, those that are just waiting for a final proofread before uploading.

Which also brings me to this: I have been on a dry spell. Kinda ploughing through my writing with dread and all. Mainly because I've run out of descriptions, expressions, feelings. It feels like everything I write is so dry, dull and bland. Of course, I'm referring to the chapters that I've been writing (which is Chapter 16 and 17) and not the ones that I'm uploading. Those chapters were when I was writing furiously and words spew out of my mind like alphabet soup.

Despite reading so many books the last two months, I didn't seem to integrate any new techniques to try out. (Opps.) But do not fear, I have many, MANY months to figure out how to better those chapters. Meanwhile, I better pick up some new writing tricks.

Okay, here's I, signing out!


  1. "You know, I should make it a personal commitment to blog once a week, at least. That way, you people will know that there's always something to read by Sunday (IF there are people reading this!)."

    I am reading this :D
