Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cool! Tags!

1. The first character I first fell in love with
2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now
3. The character everyone else loves that I don’t
4. The character I love that everyone else hates
5. The character I used to love but don’t any longer
6. The character I would totally smooch
7. The character I’d want to be like
8. The character I’d slap
9. A pairing that I love
10. A pairing that I despise
Okay, I guess I'm off to a start here (since you know... I've ABSOLUTELY nothing to do while waiting for my hair to dry... -_-) 

Fandom: Final Fantasy VII

Funnily, this game never made an impact to me when I first played the game... It was with replaying that I had better understanding. And it was when I was researching on FF7 for "I Want to Be a Turk!" that I really fell in love with some characters. Namely Zack Fair and Reno. Everyone else are like... alright.

1. First character that I first fell in love with. Gee. I really don't remember with FF7. If I dare say, the first character that made me fall in love is probably Reno. And that's YEARS after I've started playing.

2. The character I never expected to love as much as I do now. Once again, Reno. I didn't think much of the character... until I saw amazing HD hotness that was Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. Heheh. Every Reno fan tells the same story.

The runner ups would be Rude and Cid Highwind. Their presence in the story is a quiet yet ass-kicking one.

3. Character that everyone loves that I don't. Sephiroth. He's so darn cool, but I seriously think he is cuckoo up there. Generally, I dislike villains. Except the Turks, they're cool.

4. Character that I love but everyone hates. No one. I think everyone hates Hojo, but I dislike him too.

5. There aren't any characters that I used to love but don’t any longer. Like I said, FF7 did not have that kind of fangirl thing on me.

6. Character that I would totally smooch? Reno. Hands down, Reno. 

7. The character I’d want to be like: 
Zack Fair. Sunny, strong, loyal. A close second would be Aerith Gainsborough.

8. The character I’d slap is either Cloud or Genesis. Cloud for the reason of not doing something to save Zack Fair. Genesis because seriously bro, what are you in the story for? The plot involving him was my least favourite part in Crisis Core, which is actually, the main storyline but well...

9. A pairing that I love: Zack and Aerith. I really think they were the most epic "What If?" pairing. 

I came to this conclusion when I was pondering about life's hardest decision between CloudxTifa and CloudxAerith. Both pairings would've been beautiful, but if I really had to choose, I'll choose CloudxTifa for the sheer reason that ZackxAerith is perfect.

10. A pairing that I despise: Vincent Valentine and Yuffie. I saw no chemistry in any of the FF7 games. Another one would be Cid Highwind and Vincent Valentine. I mean, seriously???

There you go. Now I better make my time worthwhile by doing something productive.

Maybe do one more tag with the entire Final Fantasy fandom. Muahahaha.

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