Thursday, December 29, 2011

before i begin, i shall declare that i've been on 9gag too much, it's ruining my life XD

Then, some quick words to my reviewers:

TWA: i like kunsel, but im thinking that soon he'll stop appearing in my chapters, wahahaha!!! maybe someday i'll do a spin off :DDDD

LilPadfootChicky: thank you for the lovely review. (you've probably received a much longer review reply so i won't say more) i hope you'll continue to enjoy the story :D

woots, chapter 38! a long way we've come, yo? :3

at last! the junon episode has ended, time for some kickback and relax? nah, unfortunately it's gonna be hard for me to relax till the entire story is done, muahah XD

sometimes i feel like i'm shortchanging you guys. there are dozens of chapters (literally) where i wish i can describe and write more in detail but i can't because i don't want to waste too much time on too many unnecessary stuff. for example, when writing this chapter i had a hard time trying to cut down the scenes to fit in one chapter, but still have enough content to make sense XD

still, i pat myself on the back for another successful attempt at ensuring my story flows as if it's canon and keeping meia hidden (well, except some parts but... :X). every chapter is a cause of celebration for me, heheh.

kk, enough self-praise and complaints. back to story. yeah, i never really disliked heidegger so much till i read the script for BC. he really don't give a damn for the Turks. probably not anyone except his soldiers. In fact, I believe i carried out my dislike for Heidegger in the chapter, because I pretty much made him an a-hole, if you know what i mean.

Just so you know, the power hierarchy for the SOLDIER side is like so:


so yeah, no clashes. Lazard is the director of SOLDIER but Heidegger is the ultimate big guy overseeing SOLDIER and Security.

ahh yes, Meia being hot-headed again. I think her temper will remain a terrible issue, I do want to make it more realistic by getting her into trouble because of her temper. however i haven't written anything about it. all i mentioned was that tseng taught her (the hard way) of being in control of her emotions, but i think she's not coping well, huh? XDDD FYI, her usage of "MEANIE" to Heidegger is totally making a reference to Rikku from FFX, FFX-2. i absolutely adore her, she was my idol when i was a kid (i wanted to be like her! ... i still do XD)

i shall end by saying chapter 39 is when the main storyline starts to get a little serious. haha... not quite but you'll soon know what i mean, stay tuned for the update!

alright, here's me signing out. Please review if you like the chapter!


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