Wednesday, October 19, 2011

How to comment on this blog

Apparently some of you said that you can't comment without having a google account. I've done it after I signed out of my google account and it worked fine. Here's a step-by-step tutorial and hopefully you are able to talk to me :D (please enlarge if the images are too small!)

Step 1: Under my post, click on the "comments" link. It should be (number) comments... mostly 0 because no one has commented nuts :P

Step 2: click the drop down list and select "ANONYMOUS". I have yet to try the name/url one. but the anon option worked for me when i signed out of my google account, so i think you guys can use that. do include your name in your message though, so then i would know who you are, of course :)

type your message and press "POST COMMENT"

Step 3: type in the security code and click "POST COMMENT" again!

Step 4: Your comment will be sent to my email for moderation, so no flamings, obviously :)

There, I hope that you guys are able to comment successfully on my blog!

1 comment:

  1. Woo~! It's TWA here! :D Going to comment on some more thingys now ^_^
