Saturday, October 29, 2011

Plot Bunnies: Listing them out

I won't birth my plot bunnies, but that doesn't mean that i'm not allowed to list them out and figure out which one i might do next and etc. I'll only write the title and category, and note that listing them out doesn't mean that they'll be published for sure. I may decide to scrap the idea after all and there's nothing you can do about it, wahahhah!

This is my list of incomplete and uncreated stories! From the title, can you tell what I'm going to do? :)

In alphabetical order
2. Be My Knight (FF8)
3. Case of Meia [title to be revised] (FF7)
4. Cross Over (Ragnarok Online)
5. Explosion [title to be revised] (FF7)
6. Love Rescue (FFX-2)
7. My Adventurous Firefly (SDK)
8. Romeo and Juliet (FF8 style!) [title to be revised] (FF8)
9. Silent Stories of the Aeons (FFX)
10. Sphera (FFX)
11. The Last Child [title to be revised] (FF7)
12. The Only Exception (FF7)
13. Their Memories of Fukinara High [yes, it's not over yet!!] (SDK)
14. Waiting For Him (SDK)

14 stories! can you sense how stressed I am? how of the 14 stories, only 3-4 are one-shots and short stories (less than 10 chapters). DAMN IT.

so of course, prioritise, prioritise. so here's my plan of what i'm going to do next.

Within the next 6 months:
The Only Exception (FF7)
Case of Meia (FF7)

Within the next 2 years:
Love Rescue (FFX-2)
Be My Knight (FF8)
Waiting For Him (SDK)

Within... :\
Cross Over (Ragnarok Online)
Explosion (FF7)
My Adventurous Firefly (SDK)
Romeo and Juliet (FF8 style!) (FF8)
Silent Stories of the Aeons (FFX)
Sphera (FFX)
The Last Child (FF7)
Their Memories of Fukinara High [yes, it's not over yet!!] (SDK)

Ambitious, no? :)

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